Last month,we made a few gold mirror effect die cut sticker for Gottex,a well known swimwear brand.It has more than 230 stores all over the world.These stickers will be used for the showcase in celebration of the anniversary.We look forward for furth...
详情介绍>>In September 2016, we received a order for America's car seats, the product is 3 mm. During production of 3mm pvc foam board , have many difficulties , such as packaging test, die cut pvc foam board test, raw materials test and so on. Period ...
详情介绍>>Top 100 Chinese Digital Printing Enterprises,Top 10 Digital Printing Company of Guangdong .We are specialized in advertising printing & display equipment products, the image factory of Japanese Roland printing equipment. We have die cut machine, all ...
详情介绍>>Because the temperature is different at different place,sometimes the picture likely to cause a slight curl, suggested that picture when not in use for a long time, please pack up the picture saved; In addition, aiming at the problem of roll up scre...
详情介绍>>Double sides banner/ mesh banner printing technology is very famous in China now. Only few company can do it in South China,But we can print.Only little deviation for front side and back side printing.Mainly used for supermarket hanging ,mall backdro...